90% of women experience physical and/or psychological discomfort before and during their menstrual periods. If you are reading this article, I am sure that you are also part of that large percentage, right?

The standard remedies we have traditionally been prescribed to alleviate this type of discomfort and menstrual pain have been anti-inflammatory medications. These analgesics help us with the pain but do not solve the underlying problem.

Therefore, we should not try to block the natural responses that our body has to the period, but rather understand them, take care of them, accept them and live them by integrating habits that respect our cycles.

To do this, we need to inform ourselves about how the hormonal cycle works, understand the hormonal dance that builds our cyclical patterns, and know that, in addition, there are foods and natural supplements that help us nourish our body in each phase of the cycle.

One of them is CBD. If you are interested in knowing a little bit more about what CBD is and how it works with the discomfort associated with menstruation, stay tuned.

What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is a natural substance that comes from the hemp Sativa (hemp) plant. Unlike other types of cannabinoids derived from the same plant such as THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD has no psychoactive effects, i.e. it is not toxic and does not cause highs.

Therefore, since it is not a drug, it is not addictive and is a completely safe substance with no side effects.

This is the reason that has led many scientists to investigate the medical application of hemp by studying its possible health benefits.

It must be said that our ancestors have used this compound for centuries with a wide variety of applications such as cosmetics, food, and textiles.

Part of these scientific studies has focused on analyzing the feasibility of using CBD as an option to treat the premenstrual and menstrual syndrome.

To understand how CBD acts in our body, we have to start with the idea that everyone has an endocannabinoid system that is responsible for regulating mood, digestion, rest, the immune system, and fertility, among other functions.

As our own body produces its own cannabinoids, CBD is not a foreign substance to our body. Thus, when we provide CBD to our organism, it receives it as if it had secreted it itself.

Benefits of CBD for periods

Let’s break down the main benefits that CBD has for relieving menstrual cramps and a number of other period-related discomforts.

Once you get to know them, I’m sure you’ll want to give CBD oil a try. Shall we?

Relief from menstrual pain and inflammation.

Menstruation is the result of the shedding of the endometrium from the uterine wall, which had been thickening during the first weeks of the menstrual cycle for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

This hormonal and physiological process can lead to associated symptoms that are so familiar to us as headaches, uterine cramps, abdominal and lumbar pain, and mood swings, among others.

Through CBD oil we get it to act directly on the receptors of the muscle tissue, so it helps to relax the muscles and relieves pain (also migraines).

In addition, CBD is anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is perfect for relieving menstrual pain as well as any other type of inflammation or muscular discomfort.

Relief of states of anxiety and irritability associated with menstruation

Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety are common consequences of menstruation. Think that the levels of estrogen and progesterone (the hormones that regulate our fertility) change and with them different neurotransmitters such as serotonin or noradrenaline, which regulate our mood, as well as oxytocin that affects our sexual desire are altered.

All this is accentuated by our way and rhythm of life, and the inability we often have to respect what the body is screaming for us.

CBD oil increases serotonin levels, helping to recover our vitality and improving our mood. It also has a relaxing effect, which helps us to attenuate states of anxiety or irritability typical of premenstrual syndrome.

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